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Animal Stories Of The North

Animal Stories Of The North

Translated by Fainna Solasko
Illustrated by Y.Rachov


Hare. A Mansi Story
Sly Fox. A Koryak Story
How Vixen Tricked Seal. An Orochi Story
Bear And Chipmunk. A Nivkh Story
Foxy Vixen. A Koryak Story
Why Hare Has Long Ears. A Mansi Story
Bear And Vixen. A Nanai Story
Bat. An Evenk Story
Kutkha The Raven. An Itelmen Story
Poor Frog. A Nanai Story
Wolverine And Vixen. An Evenk Story


A Mansi Story

Hare liked to play in the sedge at the edge of a lake. One day as he was munching on a blade of sedge, he cut his lip. Hare became angry and went off to complain to Fire.

Animal Stories Of The North

"Fire, burn down the sedge at the edge of the lake!"

"Why? What has Sedge done to you?"

"Cut my lip."

"It's your own fault. Greed made you eat too fast. That's why you cut your lip," Fire said.

Hare became still angrier and went to Water. "Water, put out the fire!" he said.

"Why? What has Fire done to you?"

"Fire won't burn down the sedge at the edge of the lake!"

"What has Sedge done to you?"

"Cut my lip."

"It's your own fault. Greed made you eat too fast. That's why you cut your lip," Water said.

Hare became angrier than ever and went up to two boys who were playing with their bows and arrows. "Shoot the water, boys!" he said.

"Why? What has Water done to you?"

"Water won't put out the fire!"

"And what has Fire done to you?"

"Fire won't burn down the sedge at the edge of the lake!"

"And what has Sedge done to you?"

"Cut my lip!"

"It's your own fault. Greed made you eat too fast. That's why you cut your lip."

Now Hare was hopping mad. He went to Mouse and said, "Mouse, help me! Chew through the boys' bowstrings. Then they won't be able to shoot their arrows."

Animal Stories Of The North

Mouse took pity on Hare and hurried off to chew through the boys' bowstrings. The boys became frightened. They grabbed up their bows and shot their arrows into the water. Water rose up and set off to put out the fire. Fire got scared and rushed at the sedge. Sedge caught fire, but Hare was bouncing about there. He became very frightened, dashed off and just barely escaped. However, the tips of his ears got singed. That is why all hares have black-tipped ears.

Read all Animal Stories Of The North

Author: Mansi Folk Tale; illustrated by Rachov Y.

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