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Animal Stories Of The North

Translated by Fainna Solasko
Illustrated by Y.Rachov

Bear And Vixen

A Nanai Story

One day Bear was roaming through the forest. He felt thirsty and headed for a little lake. As he was drinking he saw a carp and decided to catch it. He tried again and again, getting all drenched in the process, but could not catch it.

Just then Vixen came out to the lake.

"What are you doing here, Bear? Swimming?"

"No. I was trying to catch a carp. If you help me, I'll share it with you."

"All right," Vixen said. "You drink all the water in the lake, and I'll grab the fish. Then we'll share it."

"Why, that's a fine idea! How'd you ever think of it?" Bear said and began drinking. He kept on drinking and drinking, draining the little lake, while his stomach kept getting bigger and bigger.

Soon there was hardly any water left in the lake. They could see the carp now.

Wily Vixen didn't waste a minute. She pounced, snatched the fish and fled. Bear was hopping mad, but couldn't run after the trickster, for his stomach was too full of water. 

Animal Stories Of The North

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