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Animal Stories Of The North

Translated by Fainna Solasko
Illustrated by Y.Rachov

Sly Fox

A Koryak Story

One day Sly Fox was walking through the woods. He met Bear carrying his prey.

"Let's see which of us is the cleverest," Fox said.

Animal Stories Of The North

"I am! Me, Bear!"

"Then see if you can out-fox me. If you do, I'll give you my fur-stitched parka and my fancy sealskin boots."

"All right. If I don't, you can have my prey, since I've nothing else to offer."

No sooner had they struck a bargain than Fox cried, "Oh! Look! Someone's driving up in a reindeer sled!"

Bear spun around, but there was no one in sight.

"Well, it certainly wasn't hard to trick you!" Fox said and laughed. "Now you try to trick me."

Bear thought long and hard, but could think of nothing. Finally, he said, "It's no use. I'll never be able to out-fox a fox."

A bargain was a bargain, so Bear had to hand his prey over to Fox. Sly Fox shouldered Bear's prey, and they both set out for their dens, each one going in a different direction.

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