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Pussies Mustn’t Fight

Pussies Mustn’t Fight

Translated by Dorian Rottenbehg
Illustrated by K.Rotov

Tim bit Tom
Were pussy-cats.
They wore fine coats
And snowy spats.

Pussies Mustn’t Fight

One fine day, I don’t know how,
Those pussy-cats began a row.

Tim bit Tom and Tom bit Tim.
Long raged the battle, fierce and grim.

Pussies Mustn’t Fight

They ripped the air with howls and wails.
Now all that’s left of them are tails.

Pussies Mustn’t Fight

So, my friends, as you can see,
A fight may lead to misery!

Pussies Mustn’t Fight

Author: Marshak S.; illustrated by Rotov K.

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