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Russian Folk Rhymes

Magpie, Magpie!

Magpie, Magpie!

Translated by Irina Zheleznova
Illustrated by Y.Vasnetsov

“Magpie, Magpie, tell me, pray,
Where have you been?”

Magpie, Magpie!

“Far away!
I made a fire,
And I cooked some mush,

Magpie, Magpie!

“I called to my friends,
And they came at a rush!

Magpie, Magpie!

“A hungry brood,
By my porch they stood.

Magpie, Magpie!

“The squirrel got some mush
And so did the hare,
The duck and the owl
Each got a share.
But one poor little soul
got none at all:

“He had fetched no water,
He had chopped no wood,
He had made no fire,
He had cooked no food.”

Magpie, Magpie!

Shoo! — and away they flew.
They pecked no bread —
They perched on your head,
And wherever they went —
from west to east —
They told their friends
of the Magpie’s feast.

Magpie, Magpie!

Author: Russian Folk Rhymes; illustrated by Vasnetsov Y.

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