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The Nursery Rhymes

The Nursery Rhymes
Illustrated by V.Suteyev

Little Hen

I had a little hen, the prettiest ever seen;
She washed me the dishes, and kept the house clean;
She went to the mill to fetch me some flour;
She brought it home in less than an hour;

The Nursery Rhymes

She baked me my bread, she brew'd me my ale;

The Nursery Rhymes

She sat by the fire, and told many a fine tale.

The Nursery Rhymes

Robin the Bobbin

Robin the Bobbin, the big-bellied Ben,
He ate more meat than fourscore men;
He ate a cow, he ate a calf,
He ate a butcher and a half;


The Nursery Rhymes

He ate a church, he ate a steeple,
He ate the priest and all the people!
A cow and a calf,
An ox and a half,
A church and a steeple,
And all the good people,
And yet he complained that his stomach wasn't full.

The Nursery Rhymes

Crooked Man

There was a crooked man, and he went a crooked mile,
He found a crooked sixpence against a crooked stile;

The Nursery Rhymes

He bought a crooked cat, which caught a crooked mouse,
And they all lived together in a little crooked house.

The Nursery Rhymes

The Nursery Rhymes

Four and Twenty Tailors

Four and twenty tailors went to kill a snail;
The best man among them durst not touch her tail.
She put out her horns like a little Kyloe cow;
Run, tailors, run, or she'll kill you all e'en now.

The Nursery Rhymes

The Nursery Rhymes

Author: Lang A.; illustrated by Suteyev V.

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