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Nenets Stories

Animal Stories Of The North

Nenets Stories

Translated by Fainna Solasko
Illustrated by Y.Rachov


Man And Dog
Brave Bear

Man And Dog

Dog once lived in the forest. He was lonely living there all by himself and set off in search of a friend. After a while he came upon Hare.

"Let's share a house, Hare," Dog said.

"Let's," Hare replied.

Nenets Stories

And so they headed back together. When darkness fell each curled up and went to sleep. In the middle of the night Dog began to bark. Hare woke up and became frightened.

"Why're you barking?" he said. "Wolf'll come running and eat us up."

At this Dog said to himself, "I've found myself the wrong kind of friend. Hare's a coward. I'm sure Wolf isn't afraid of anyone." So he set out in search of Wolf.

After a while he came upon Wolf. "Let's share a house, Wolf," Dog said.

"Let's," Wolf replied.

Nenets Stories

When darkness fell each curled up and went to sleep. In the middle of the night Dog began to bark. Bear woke up and became frightened.

"Why're you barking? Bear'll come running and eat us up," Wolf scolded.

At this Dog said to himself, "Wolf isn't very fierce if he's afraid of Bear. That means Bear is the strongest of all." So Dog set out in search of Bear.

After a while he came upon Bear.

"Let's share a house, Bear," Dog said.

"Let's," Bear replied.

Nenets Stories

When darkness fell each curled up and went to sleep. In the middle of the night Dog began to bark. Wolf woke up and became frightened.

"Why're you barking? Man'll come running and kill us. Men have guns," Bear scolded.

At this Dog said to himself, "This one's a coward, too. Bear's not the kind of friend I need. I'm sure Man isn't afraid of anyone." And so he ran off in search of Man.

After a while he came upon a hunter.

"Let's share a house, Man," Dog said.

"Let's," Man replied and led Dog off to his tent.

When darkness fell Man went to sleep. At midnight Dog began to bark. Man woke up. He was not frightened.

"If you want to eat, Doggie, go ahead, but don't keep me up with your barking," he said.

Dog saw that Man was not afraid of anyone and so decided to stay. He's still there.

Nenets Stories

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Author: Nenets Folk Tale; illustrated by Rachov Y.

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