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The Little Dog Who Forgot How To Bark

The Little Dog Who Forgot How To Bark
Illustrated by V.Suteev

The little dog was having trouble: he forgot how to bark.

The Little Dog Who Forgot How To Bark

He tried as he might to remember, but he couldn’t.

The Little Dog Who Forgot How To Bark

So the little dog ran to the grey eagle-owl.

The Little Dog Who Forgot How To Bark

The eagle-owl lived in the wood, in a large hollow of a tree-trunk.

The Little Dog Who Forgot How To Bark

He looked at the little dog with his yellow eyes,

The Little Dog Who Forgot How To Bark

fluffed up his feathers and said: "I will teach you how to bark. Listen: Whoo-whoo-whoop!"

The Little Dog Who Forgot How To Bark

"Thanks a lot," answered the little dog, "maybe eagle-owls bark like this, but dogs bark in a different way."

"Well, if you don’t like it, you can go away," said the eagle-owl and closed his eyes. 

The Little Dog Who Forgot How To Bark

And the little dog ran off to the white duck.

The Little Dog Who Forgot How To Bark

The white duck was swimming in a pond.

The Little Dog Who Forgot How To Bark

The duck saw the little dog and came out of the water.

The Little Dog Who Forgot How To Bark

"You should bark like this: Quack-quack-quack!"

The Little Dog Who Forgot How To Bark

"Should I? Maybe ducks bark like this, but dogs bark differently."

The Little Dog Who Forgot How To Bark

"No, they don’t," said the white duck and dived into the water.

The Little Dog Who Forgot How To Bark

And the little dog went to the fat pig to ask her for a piece of advice.

The Little Dog Who Forgot How To Bark

The pig stood by the trough, eating.

The Little Dog Who Forgot How To Bark

She turned to the little dog and said: "All right, I will teach you how to bark, listen: Oink-oink-oink."

The Little Dog Who Forgot How To Bark

"Oh no, maybe fat pigs bark like this, but dogs bark in a different way."

The Little Dog Who Forgot How To Bark

"If you don’t believe me, you can go away," said the pig and put her snout into the trough.

The Little Dog Who Forgot How To Bark

The little dog grew very sad and went to turkey.

The Little Dog Who Forgot How To Bark

The turkey was walking in the poultry-yard, he would spread his tail like a fan,

The Little Dog Who Forgot How To Bark

and then fold his tail-feathers together.

The Little Dog Who Forgot How To Bark

"Well, well," said the turkey importantly, "all right, I will teach you how to bark: "Gobble-gobble-gobble!"

The Little Dog Who Forgot How To Bark

"What kind of barking is this?" Said the little dog. "Maybe turkeys bark like this, but dogs bark differently."

The Little Dog Who Forgot How To Bark

"What?!" Shouted the turkey and puffed up.

The Little Dog Who Forgot How To Bark

The little dog went away, he was very tired.

The Little Dog Who Forgot How To Bark

So he settled cosily under a tree.

The Little Dog Who Forgot How To Bark

Suddenly he saw a cat passing by.

The Little Dog Who Forgot How To Bark

And he remembered and...

The Little Dog Who Forgot How To Bark

ran after the cat.

The Little Dog Who Forgot How To Bark

The cat jumped up the tree.

The Little Dog Who Forgot How To Bark

The little dog got angry and began to bark as loudly as he could: Bow-wow, bow-wow!

The Little Dog Who Forgot How To Bark

That was how the little dog remembered how to bark.

The Little Dog Who Forgot How To Bark

Author: Suteyev V.; illustrated by Suteyev V.

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