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Who Was That Who Said "Miaow"?

Who Was That Who Said
Illustrated by V.Suteev


A Puppy was sleeping on the rug near the sofa.

In his sleep he suddenly heard somebody say: "Miaow!"

Who Was That Who Said

The Puppy raised his head, and looked around — nobody was there.

Who Was That Who Said

"It might have been a dream" he thought and settled himself more comfortably on the rug.

Who Was That Who Said

At that very moment somebody said again: "Miaow!"

"Who is there?" asked the Puppy and looked under the bed,

Who Was That Who Said

Then under the table — nobody was there.

Who Was That Who Said

He climbed to the window-sill. Through the window he saw a rooster walking in the yard.

"It is he who did not let me sleep," thought the Puppy and ran to the rooster.

Who Was That Who Said

"Was that you who said 'Miaow'?" He asked the rooster.

Who Was That Who Said

The rooster started flapping his wings and sang.-"cock-a-doodle-doo!"

"Can you say anything else?" asked the Puppy.

"I cannot, only 'cock-a-doodle-doo'," said the rooster.

Who Was That Who Said

The Puppy went home. Suddenly, right near the porch somebody said: "Miaow"

Who Was That Who Said

"There he is" said the Puppy and started digging under the porch, using all four paws.
When he dug a deep hole, a little grey mouse sprang up out it.

Who Was That Who Said

"Was that you who said 'Miaow'?" The Puppy asked sternly.

"Pip-pip-pip," squeaked the little mouse.

"And who said what?"

"Somebody said 'Miaow'."

"Was it close by?" Said the mouse with agitation.

"Right near here," said the Puppy.

Who Was That Who Said

"I am scared! Pip-pip-pip!" Squeaked the mouse and whisked under the porch.

Who Was That Who Said

Suddenly, near the dogs kennel somebody said loudly: "Miaow!"

"There he is" said the Puppy to himself and stole up closer...

Who Was That Who Said

"Was that you who said... 'Miaow'?"

Who Was That Who Said

"Me?! Are you kidding, Puppy?!"

As fast as he could the Puppy rushed into the garden and hid himself under the a bush. At that moment he heard somebody very close to him say: "Miaow!"

Who Was That Who Said

The Puppy looked from under the bush. Right in front of him on a flower was a fluffy bee.

"That was he who said 'Miaow'!" Thought the Puppy and tried to bite him.

Who Was That Who Said

"Zz-zz-zz!" Bussed the offended bee and stung the Puppy on the tip of his nose, the Puppy yelped, started running and the bee followed him!

Who Was That Who Said

The Puppy ran to the pond and jumped into the water!

Who Was That Who Said

When the Puppy came to the surface, the bee had flown away, and again somebody said: "Miaow!"

"Was that you who said 'Miaow'?" He asked the fish, who was swimming by.

Who Was That Who Said

I he fish said nothing, only splashed the water with its tail and disappeared.

Who Was That Who Said

"Croak-croak-croak!" A frog laughed. "Don’t you know that fish cannot speak?"

"Was that you who said 'Miaow'?" the Puppy asked him.

Who Was That Who Said

"Croak-croak-croak!" Laughed the frog again. "What s silly Puppy; frogs can only croak." And he jumped into the water...

Who Was That Who Said

So the Puppy went home, wet, and with a swollen nose.

Who Was That Who Said

Very sad, he settled himself on the rug near the sofa. And suddenly he heard: "Miaow!!!"

Who Was That Who Said

He jumped up and saw a fluffy striped cat sitting on the window-sill.

Who Was That Who Said

The cat arched her back and hissed: "Sh-sh-sh!"

Who Was That Who Said

And snorted: "Fr-fr-fr!"

Who Was That Who Said

And ran away.

Who Was That Who Said

The Puppy came back to his rug and fell asleep. Now he knew who said "Miaow".

Who Was That Who Said

Author: Suteyev V.; illustrated by Suteyev V.

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