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Chukcha Stories

Animal Stories Of The North

Translated by Fainna Solasko
Illustrated by Y.Rachov

Mouse And Vixen

Little Mouse lived in the tundra. One day she sat by the fire, boiling water for tea as she waited for her friend Vixen to come visiting.

"Ah it's you!" Mouse said when she saw her coming.

"Yes, it's me. Let's play while the kettle boils," Vixen said.

"No, wait a while. Let's have our tea first." Vixen pouted and was all set to leave, so Mouse quickly said,

"What'll we play?"

"Let's jump."

They started jumping, and since Vixen could jump higher, Mouse was the loser.

"Now let's play hide-and-seek," Mouse said. "The one who finds the other one will be the winner."

They argued about who would be it. Vixen finally won the argument and ran off to hide, but left her bushy tail out in full sight.

Mouse tugged at her tail, pulled her out of her hiding place and then scampered off to hide. Vixen searched high and low, but could not find her.

"Say something so I'll hear you!" Vixen finally shouted.

"Here I am!" Mouse called out.

Vixen dashed to where the sound had come from, but by then Mouse had scurried away. And so it went. Mouse would call out: "Here I am!" and then scamper off to a new hiding place, with Vixen leaping about until she collapsed in a heap by the campfire. "Come on out! You win!" Vixen shouted. "Let's have our tea!" But by then all the water had boiled out of the kettle.

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