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Chukcha Stories

Animal Stories Of The North

Translated by Fainna Solasko
Illustrated by Y.Rachov

Whale And Reindeer

Reindeer was walking along the shore one day when Whale shouted,

"Hey, Reindeer! Let s have a tug-of-war."

"Let's!" Reindeer agreed.

Reindeer made a rope of grass, while Whale made one of seaweed. They tied the ends of the two ropes together. Reindeer wound the other end of his rope around his body. Whale wound the other end of his around his tail. Then they began to pull.

Whale pulled out to sea, Reindeer pulled towards the tundra. Whale's tail beat against the water, raising fountains of spray. Reindeer sank knee-deep into the ground, but still he wouldn't give in. Suddenly the rope snapped, sending Whale to the bottom of the sea and Reindeer flying off into the tundra. Reindeer has not lived at the seashore since then.

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