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Chukcha Stories

Animal Stories Of The North

Translated by Fainna Solasko
Illustrated by Y.Rachov

Raven And Wolf

They say there once was a raven who had a slide of his own. As he slid down the slope he would caw, "Oh, what fun! Everything's whizzing by!"

Chukcha Stories

He would zoom to the edge of the cliff, fly up and circle back to the top of the slope.

One day Wolf happened by. "Hey, friend! Let me have a turn on your slide."

Chukcha Stories

"You'd better not. You can't fly. You'll fall into the water," Raven replied.

"No, I won't. I've got long legs. Come on, please let me have a turn."

"All right, but don't say I didn't warn you!"

As Wolf slid down the slope he yelped, "Oh, what fun! Everything's whizzing by!"

At the edge of the cliff Wolf tried to brake with his paws but wasn't quick enough and landed in the water.

"Help! Pull me out!" he cried.

"No, I won't," Raven replied. "I told you you'd fall into the water. You'll have to get out as best you can now."

"If you pull me out. I'll bring you a pack of mice," Wolf promised.


"Listen, friend, if you pull me out, I'll give you a big pack of gophers," Wolf promised.


"You know what I'll give you if you pull me out? A bowl of porridge with a spoon stuck in it!" Wolf said.

Raven was overjoyed. "Why didn't you say so? You wouldn't have had to spend so much time in the icy water!" Raven said, pulling Wolf out. He even squeezed the water off Wolf's fur.

Then Wolf said, "I sure did trick you, didn't I?"

"I'll never trust you again!" Raven fumed.

Wolf was silent. After a while he said, "I'm going to where it s getting dark. Where are you flying to?"

Raven was so upset he wouldn't even look at Wolf. "I m flying to where it's getting light," he finally muttered.

And so Wolf and Raven went their separate ways.

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