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Vladimir Suteyev

The Chick and the Duckling

The Chick and the Duckling
Illustrated by Vladimir Suteyev

A duckling hatched out of its egg. "I am hatched!" it said.

The Chick and the Duckling

A chick hatched out of its egg. "Me, too!" said the chick.

The Chick and the Duckling

"I'm going for a walk," said the duckling. "Me, too," said the chick.

The Chick and the Duckling

"I'm digging a hole," said the duckling. "Me, too," said the chick.

The Chick and the Duckling

"I've found a worm," said the duckling. "Me, too," said the chick.

The Chick and the Duckling

"I've caught a butterfly," said the duckling. "Me, too," said the chick.

The Chick and the Duckling

"I want to swim," said the duckling. "Me, too," said the chick.

The Chick and the Duckling

"Look, I'm swimming!" said the duckling.

The Chick and the Duckling

"Me, too," shouted the chick.

The Chick and the Duckling

"Help!" cried the chick when it started to drown.

The Chick and the Duckling

The Chick and the Duckling

The duckling pulled the chick out of the pond.

The Chick and the Duckling

"I'm going in again," said the duckling. "Not me," said the chick.

The Chick and the Duckling

Author: Suteyev V.; illustrated by Suteyev V.

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