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Konstantin Ushinsky

Best To Wait

Best To Wait

Translated by Eve Manning
Illustrated by V.Manulovich

Once upon a time there lived a cockerel and a pullet, brother and sister.

Best To Wait

One day when the cockerel was running about the yard he found some greenish currents and began to peck them.

“Don’t eat those, Cockie,” the little pullet warned him, “wait until they are ripe.”

Best To Wait

But the cockerel did not heed her; he pecked and pecked, and then—well, he could hardly drag himself home!

Best To Wait

“Oh, oh,” he groaned, “I have such a dreadful tummy-ache, Sister! Oh dear, oh dear!”

Best To Wait

The little pullet gave him a hot peppermint drink, and put a mustard plaster on the place that hurt, and it passed away.

Best To Wait

When he was quite well again Cockie went out into the fields; he ran about, he jumped about, even flew about a little until he was quite hot. So off he went to the river to get a drink of cold water.

Best To Wait

Again his sister warned him:

“Don’t drink now, Cockie, wait till you cool down.”

Best To Wait

But Cockie did not heed her, he took a good long drink of that very cold water. Very soon he was feverish, he was hot and cold and felt very bad indeed; his sister could hardly get him home.

Best To Wait

She ran for the doctor who prescribed some very nasty medicine and made Cockie stay in bed for a long while.

Best To Wait

It was winter by the time he was really well, and the river was covered with ice.

Best To Wait

He wanted to go skating right away at once and again his sister warned him.

“Wait a bit, Cockie. Let the river get properly frozen. The ice is still thin, you can go through.”

Best To Wait

Again he did not heed her, and went skating. And what happened The ice cracked. The ice broke. And that was the end of Cockie.

Best To Wait

Author: Ushinsky K.; illustrated by Manulovich V.

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